The American Legion, Department of Maryland

Epilepsy Foundation

The Epilepsy Foundation of the Chesapeake Region (formerly the Epilepsy Association of Maryland) is a private, non-profit organization that provides programs and services to people with epilepsy and other disorders. All of EFCR�s services are available at no cost and include the following:

  • Information and Referral
  • Access to Community Resources
  • Counseling
  • Community Living Assistance/Residential Support
  • Vocational Support
  • Family & Children�s Services: In-home assistance Parent-to-parent support Advocacy in schools Summer camp Adaptive equipment and home modifications On-site childcare support Assessment and referral
  • Education services to employers, schools, public safety officers
  • Assistance with medical issues
  • Advocacy
  • Consultative Services

MISSION STATEMENT: The mission of the Epilepsy Foundation of the Chesapeake Region is to assist people with epilepsy and other disorders in achieving their personal goals and in reaching their maximum potential. Services are tailored to support each person to live, work, socialize and to encourage the highest level of participation of each person in his/her community. Additional information may be obtained by calling The Epilepsy Foundation of the Chesapeake Region at 1-800-492-2523 or by visiting their website at You can also contact the Department of Maryland Headquarters for more information.

American Red Cross

Military Times


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